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the tears
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Wow, It’s been a whole year since my book was released. This time last year I was planning a party and celebrating the release of Laughing Through The Tears. I am still overwhelmed by the support of my family and friends. It’s been quite a ride, from a...
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s

Did anyone else’s dad have odd little sayings or advice that became part of your everyday normal ? For instance, these are some of my dads- Return borrowed items in the same condition they were in when you got it Gas gauges should never go below ¼ a tank When playing...
Hello Fifty……..

Hello Fifty……..

I will be 50 in a week. That’s half a century, five decades, roughly 18,250 days give or take a leap year, that’s a lot of life. For the most part,  I think I am ok with being 50. I don’t feel 50, not sure I look 50(if you have another opinion keep it to...
Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

  I don’t know where you are this Mothers Day…….looking forward to a big family gathering or are you facing an empty chair at the table. Are you a new mom, struggling to become a mom or a seasoned mom with kids spread out everywhere, are you a working mom or a...
Well, I Ran….Sort of……Let Me Explain

Well, I Ran….Sort of……Let Me Explain

Last time I asked the question, to run or not to run. Well, I ran.  I changed my registration to a half marathon and proceeded….I mean we had flights and room booked already and were looking forward to it. No regrets, I am so glad I went. It was slow, it was hilly, it...