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Thanksgiving Thoughts and a Good Movie

Thanksgiving Thoughts and a Good Movie

It’s that time of year again, for some it’s family and laughter and games and for others it might be a little bit different. However it looks, hopefully you can find something to be thankful for.

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Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

No matter what season of motherhood you are in, Happy Mother’s Day, hang in there mamas. You got this.

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To Run or Not to Run?

To Run or Not to Run?

Don’t let pride take over sound judgement, even if it means not getting to do what you really want to do.

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Worry, Pray and Worry Some More…..

Worry, Pray and Worry Some More…..

I was asked recently if I worry less about my children now that they are older. Without hesitation, the answer was a solid no. Sorry to report my friends, the worry just increases with age.

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